Welcome to the SLM 30 Day Launch

This challenge is meant to help you launch our services in your Market Center as soon as possible.

To download the challenge print off, please click here.

Please take a look at these additional helpful tips to complete our challenge in 30 days or less:

Day 1: Send the requested info to support@scottleroymarketing.com.

Day 2: Download The Training Calendar Here

Day 3: Download The Training Calendar Here

Day 4: Tips email is sent every Monday from scott@scottleroymarketing.com

Day 5: calendly.com/scottleroy

Day 6: Please contact support@scottleroymarketing.com if you need this flyer

Day 7: calendly.com/scottleroy

Day 8: www.ScottLeRoyMarketing.com/Challenge

Day 9: scottleroymarketing.com/staff

Day 10: Please send to support@scottleroymarketing.com

Day 11: www.slmtraining.com

Day 12: Please send to support@scottleroymarketing.com

Day 13: Please send to support@scottleroymarketing.com

Day 14: Please send to support@scottleroymarketing.com

Day 15: Fill the form out here

Day 16: Fill the form out here

Day 17: youtube.com/scottleroymarketing

Day 18: Please contact support@scottleroymarketing.com

Day 19: www.slmtips.com (search for contacts)

Day 20: Please visit www.SLMTracking.com and put in your MC Number

Day 21: calendly.com/scottleroy

Day 22: youtube.com/scottleroymarketing

Day 23: Please send the new/ exist agent to support@scottleroymarketing.com

Day 24: Please contact agents directly

Day 25: Click Here For the SmartPlan Form

Day 26: www.scottleroymarketing.com/100-profile-completion

Day 27: www.scottleroymarketing.com/leadership

Day 28: Feel free to send this to scott@scottleroymarketing.com

Day 29: youtube.com/scottleroymarketing

Day 30: www.scottleroymarketing.com/leadership