4 Ways to Increase Brand Conversions

By Anne Leonard

4 Ways to Increase Brand Conversions Scott Le Roy Marketing

It’s crucial to keep your content marketing strategies up to date in order to increase your brand conversions.

Keep in mind that when your content is aesthetically pleasing and interactive, customer conversions have a greater chance of increasing.

While these four content marketing methods may not be groundbreaking, it never hurts to brush up on ways to grow your audience.

1. Start a blog.

If you haven’t already, having a blog for your brand does wonders to increase engagement among your audience. When a blog is run properly, you can increase traffic to your site, which also raises awareness for new consumers. To investigate which times and subjects work best with your audience, try these simple steps:

  • Post once a week.
  • Schedule your post during high traffic times to your site.
  • Use a variety of post types: text-only, slideshows, infographics, videos, etc.

Once you’ve learned what interests your consumer, you can better cater your posts to them. Then, make sure to use specific keywords in order to rank higher in search engines, which leads to more traffic to your site and brand conversions.

2. Add videos to your site.

Did you know that adding videos to your site or social media accounts are more effective than advertising on YouTube? To gain conversions for your brand, make sure that your videos educate, entertain and will reel in the viewer during the first few seconds. In your video, you should showcase your brand, its mission and your services.

3. Incorporate infographics.

Viewers are more likely to process information in an infographic versus long-form text. Infographics should be easy to read and understand, include graphics, serve a distinguishable purpose and target the consumer’s interests.

4. Create interactive quizzes.

Interactive quizzes are a unique approach to reaching your customers and new users in a creative way. Your brand’s interactive quizzes should be engaging, relevant to culture (movies, television, food, etc.) and prompt users to share their information as well as interact with your brand in the hopes that they’ll become a new customer.

Original article here.

Next: 6 Quick Ways to Up Your Blogging Game