4 Ways to Use “Pokémon Go” for Your Small Business

By Shelby Ballou

pokemon go

By now, you’ve probably heard of the mobile game, “Pokémon Go”. It seems like everyone is playing. In this game, players move around the real world to look for and capture Pokémon. It might seem irrelevant to your business, but since the game is geographically based, there are several ways you can use it to attract players to your business.

There are two types of fixed locations in the game. The first are known as PokéStops, which are buildings around a city where players can grab some extra Poké Balls and potions. Many of these stops are businesses. The other type of fixture is called a “gym,” where players battle their Pokémon. Both of these locations attract players throughout the day.

Here are a few ways to capitalize on the Pokémon craze.

One item that can be placed on PokéStops is called a “lure module.” Once activated, lure modules attract wild Pokémon (and players!) to that location. Consider buying a package of lure modules and advertising a lure party. If your business is on or near a PokéStop, hosting a lure party could be a great way to bring players to your location. Combining a lure party with some special deals could be a great way to bring in some extra money.

Is your business close to a Pokémon Gym? In that case, there’s another way you convince players to visit your business. Advertise that you’ll be hosting a tournament in advance, and offer discounts to winners. Then, on game day, give the discount to players who successfully become gym leaders. They’ll most likely have their teammates with them, and if you’re lucky, they’ll turn into paying customers, too.

Hosting a “Pokémon Go” hunt that starts and ends at your business is a great strategy. All you have to do is advertise the date and time of your Poké-hunt, wait for players to arrive, and then walk around your community together. If your staff wants to join in on the fun, make sure they wear branded shirts so your business is visible. Then, host an after-party. Invite players back to your business to compare their hauls, and offer some light food and beverages.

You can even use “Pokémon Go” to increase your social media visibility. Offer customers a discount to take a screenshot of a Pokémon in your business, post it on social media, and tag your business. This will spread your brand online. It will also shows other players the types of Pokémon that are wandering around your business, and it might encourage them to come visit your location.

[Original post here.]