5 Expensive Ways Digital Marketing Campaigns Fail

By Shelby Ballou


Digital marketing is significantly more challenging than traditional marketing. Instead of sending direct mail campaigns and attending trade shows, we’re now scrambling to make sure the right people are making the right clicks and hitting the right landing pages. And if we don’t see positive results and data from these efforts, our companies suffer.

Listed below are five of the most costly digital marketing fails.

1. Not asking enough intelligent questions at the beginning

It is extremely important to ask intelligent questions. This prepares your team to discover the answers that fit your goals.

Discovery questions include a focus on your specific goals, defining your target audience, finding potential customers, connecting with them, and engaging them to connect with you.

2. Not presenting a compelling offer

Are you offering a free consultation? Too generic.

Presenting compelling offers requires creativity, research, and data. The more desirable your offer is, the more people will buy it. After you identify your target audience, figure out what problem they have and what solution they need, and create an irresistible offer around this.

3. Driving traffic to the wrong places

If you drive clicks to a boring website, you’ll probably see a high bounce rate. This means people leave your website fast.

Landing pages are best suited for this. Concise, compelling, and simple landing pages convert better than websites with lots of links and content.

4. Not following up well

Most people won’t act on your initial offer, so you need to have a great method of following up. This means using email, direct mail, and telephone when appropriate.

5. Flying blind

You haven’t tracked any data, and you make uninformed decisions. This can quickly get expensive. There are several different analytics programs out there, like Google Analytics, that can help you measure what counts in your business.

These are several ways digital marketing campaigns fail to perform. In order to ensure success, you need to focus on making progress and commit to a business model that works.

Today’s business intelligence technologies are more affordable than they’ve ever been before. There is no excuse for investing in marketing and customer acquisition without keeping great score of your ROI, tracking data, and analyzing your audience in order to produce the results you want.

Start with a clear goal, a simple plan of action, and let your most talented employees create compelling offers while you measure everything and track data. Every person on your team, including you, will be held accountable to do their part, to produce results, and to keep changing and evolving as your customers do.

[Original post here.]