5 Tips For Using Video In Your Marketing Strategy

By Shelby Ballou

video marketing tipsVideo-Marketing-Tips-Strategy-for-Success-in-2015

Digital media is constantly evolving, and 2016 is the year of the video. There’s a video included in almost every article you read. So what’s the deal? And how can you include it in your digital marketing strategy?

Your story needs to be compelling, carefully crafted, and strategically placed to reach your target audience. A high quality video is the ultimate way to tell a story.

Ready to get started? Take note of these video marketing tips first.

Have a plan

Map out your objectives and timeline before the project begins. Communicate this information to both your team and the client. Always leave extra time for last minute changes, short notice delays, and final edits.

Work with the right videographers

There are hundreds of talented videographers out there, so find one with similar values to your brand and thoroughly review their past work. Also, have honest conversations about deadlines and budget to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Think outside the box

Get creative when brainstorming ideas for the script, location, style, and feel of the video. Don’t be scared to share ideas that might sound crazy or a little too “out there”.

Film the video

Make sure you know what, where and why you’re filming. And make sure this sense of purpose is clear in the video. Include a Call-To-Action, an instruction to the audience that provokes an immediate response. Whatever you want your viewers to do – call, buy, sign up, subscribe – tell them to do it.

Release the video

Make sure you have a decent advertising budget so your video gets maximum exposure and reaches your target audience. Pick your title and description wisely; you need to draw people in and grab their interest immediately. Make sure you post on social media, your company blog, YouTube, and Vimeo.

[Original post here.]