Tips for Updating Your Email Marketing Strategy

By Anne Leonard

Tips for Updating Your Email Marketing Strategy Scott Le Roy Marketing

Have you updated your email marketing strategy lately? If you haven’t made any updates to your email strategy for 2018, it’s not too late to make changes now! Here are some nifty tips for standing out in your customers’ inboxes:

Be intentional about the tone of your email.

Who is your target audience? Once you know your target audience, keep this in mind as you fine-tune your tone for your email marketing strategy. Make sure you are strategic about the content that you include and are intentional about the email’s subject line. Of course, always ensure that your emails are reflective of your brand’s mission and voice.

Write catchy, effective subjects lines.

Now that we’re on the topic of subject lines, consider these as the door to your emails, so you want to make a good first impression. Your subject line should always quickly deliver a message that connects with your audience and stays true to your mission. Depending on what you are promoting, your subject lines might convey exclusivity, a personal connection or ask a question. Here are a few examples:

  • Exclusivity: Shh . . . You’re Invited to Our Private Event!
  • Personal Connection: Bob, You Don’t Want to Miss Out on This Deal!
  • Question: Have You Been Making These SEO Mistakes?

Don’t forget about the format.

If your eyes glaze over when you see a long block of text, then your audience will likely do the same thing if your emails are poorly formatted. Break up your email’s text with bullet points, photos, block quotes and more. Then, make sure that your email will be accurately transmitted across all devices: mobile, desktop and on tablets.

Offer incentives to opening your email.

Transactional emails are the perfect time for you to strengthen your relationship with your customer and continue to build upon their brand loyalty. To do so, you can offer them coupons for their next purchase, inform them of a referral program and even suggest items that are related to their recent transaction with you.

Original article here.