If you are considering a website redesign, then this is your sign to do so. Here are reasons why you need to do it this year.

  1. If you are embarrassed about your website

If it scares you to give out your website address, it is time to revamp it. Having the wrong website can damage your business.

You always want to project to people the professionalism of your business and build their trust. You can have your website redone by UX designers or website builder professionals.

  1.  If it doesn’t Reflect Your Brand Anymore.

For people to do business with you, you should have a strong brand image built that should capture the essence of the company’s brand. A solid brand image puts your business above the rest and on par with other large companies, making the playing field even.

  1. If it’s Outdated

Design trends are ever-changing, and your website does need to keep up with these trends. If you have seen that your competitors have the most updated style, you also need to step it up.

This year, most businesses are going for a minimalist look. It involves simple but elegant-looking features like the ones from Starbucks, Apple, and Nike.

  1. If it’s not Responsive

If the responsive design is not well adjusted to different screen types, then you need to have it changed. Make sure that they fit on different screens so your visitors won’t have to adjust the size of the image or text.

A responsive design makes it easier for your users to navigate your website. It will give them easy access to features and provide a great user experience.

  1. Losing Mobile Visitors

Since most people look up and view websites on their phones, make sure that your website is mobile-friendly. If you are experiencing higher bounce rates, people are likely to leave your site, which costs you your leads.

  1. Doesn’t Reflect the Expansion of Capabilities and Offers

Suppose your website doesn’t reflect the current services offered on your website. In that case, your customers will be going to another site and getting that service.

By having your website redesigned, you can expand your services. Hence, the person who visits your website knows what you are selling.

  1. Not Optimized for Search Engines

A redesign can help you improve your coding and make your website more SEO friendly. You may need to switch to a Content Management System to give you greater flexibility and make optimizing easier.

  1. If it’s Built Over Outdated Technology

Maybe your website was built quickly, and it’s running on outdated plugins. If that is the case, it will be difficult for your users to access on different devices and leave a wrong impression and experience.

Having updated technology and plugins allow for a better performance of your website and for people to have a better experience.

  1. Improve Your Website Security

One of the biggest concerns of people today is privacy. If your website was built ages ago and has not been updated since you are at a high risk of malware and hacking.

Having a redesign will help your website be secured and the data of your online visitors or your customers.