6 Public Relations Tips for Small Business Owners

By Anne Leonard

6 Public Relations Tips for Small Business Owners Scott Le Roy Marketing

Leaning into public relations is key to drawing in your target audience as a small business owner. From branding to marketing, knowing how to strategically navigate your PR efforts will bring the most awareness to your brand.

Here are six public relations tips for you to consider as a small business owner:

1. Narrow down your ‘why.’

Before you even begin your public relations efforts, you must identify the ‘why’ behind your brand. Ask yourself, “What’s my brand’s story?”For instance, if you are going to open a specialty paper store, you need to establish why you are choosing to open this kind of store. For instance, what makes yours stand out among other specialty paper stores? Once you know the ‘why,’ your PR efforts will run much smoother.

2. Research media outlets before pitching ideas.

Identify the media outlets that cover topics pertaining to your industry. Instead of pitching ideas aimlessly, pitch with a purpose to get the best results and, ultimately, you’ll be able to make the most of your PR efforts. It’s also noteworthy to research your competitors to see how you can distinguish your brand amid the rest.

3. Don’t duplicate pitches; customize your brand’s message.

The last thing that media outlets want to read is a generic press release. The little effort you put into your press release will reflect poorly on your brand and also cause media outlets to dismiss it. Since you researched your media list with top No. 2, you can now personalize each email to fit the individual contact.

4. Build relationships with journalists.

Strong relationships with journalists take time and patience. It’s important to be quick to respond to their requests. On that note, be wary of clogging up their inboxes with follow-up emails.

5. Be active on social media.

When you’re active on social media, it’s the easiest and most organic way to spread your brand and its message. Post material that’s specific and consistent to your brand.  By being active on social media, you’re able to see the PR results in real-time and improve your efforts based on the quick results.

6. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Upkeeping your PR responsibilities can sometimes be overwhelming, especially as a small business owner. However, with the help of a trusted PR partner,  you’ll be able to learn from their experiences in order to best reach your brand.

View original article here.

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